Clustering lets your group user messages based on their intention. This is great to get a feeling of “what are my users talking about?” and to identify the most common topics.


How it works

The phospho clustering uses a combination of user intent embedding and unsupervized clustering algorithms to group messages together.

The user intent embedding is a representation of the user intention in a high dimensional space. This representation is generated using a deep learning model trained on a large dataset of user messages. Learn more here.

We are constantly evaluating and improving the clustering algorithms to provide the best results.

How to run a clustering

To use the clustering feature, you need to have a phospho account and an API key. You can get one by signing up on


Import data

If not already done, import your data and setup a payment method.


Configure clustering

Go to the Clusters tab and click on the Configure clustering detection button. Select the scope of data to cluster: either messages or sessions. Filter the data by setting a date range, a specific tag, and more.


Run clustering

Click on the Run cluster analysis button to start the clustering process. Depending on the number of messages, it can take a few minutes.

How to interpret the results

The clustering results are presented in two formats:

  • 3D Dot Cloud Graph: Each point in the graph corresponds to an embedding of a message (or a session). Clusters are distinct groups of these points.

  • Cluster Cards: Each cluster is also displayed as a card. The card shows the cluster size and an automatic summary of a random sample of messages. Click on “Explore” in any card to view the messages in the cluster.

How to run a clustering with a custom instruction?

By default, the clustering is run based on: user intent

You can however modify this instruction in Advanced settings.

Change the clustering instruction to refine how messages are grouped, to provide insights that are more aligned with your needs. You just need to enter the topic you want to cluster on.

Examples of what you can enter:

  • For a medical chatbot: type of disease
  • For a customer support chatbot: type of issue (refund, delivery, etc.)
  • For a chatbot in the e-commerce industry: product mentioned

How to run a custom clustering algorithms?

You can use the user intent embeddings to run your own clustering algorithms. The embeddings are available through the API. Learn more here.

Next steps

Based on the clusters, define more analytics to run on your data in order to never miss a beat on what your users are talking about. Check the event detection page for more information.