phospho is an open source text analytics platform to finally get your LLM app ready for production.

Monitor interactions between your LLM app and your users. Test changes before pushing to prod. Get real time AI analytics and product-level insights to improve your LLM app.

Keywords: logging, automatic evaluations, experiments, A/B tests, user feedback, testing

Get Started

Get started now

Setting up phospho is easy, and you can get started in minutes.

Don’t have an LLM app? Try phospho in Google Colab


How does it work?



You log the tasks completed by your LLM app (ex: what the user asked, what the assistant answered)



We run custom evaluation pipelines on your transcripts. No OpenAI key needed. (ex: detect when the assistant couldn’t answer the user’s question)



You explore your LLM app evaluations on the phospho dashboard and with integrations.

Key features

Eager to see it in action? Get started in minutes.