Record a robotics dataset
How to record a robotics dataset with your robot?
The easiest way to record datasets is to use the phospho Meta Quest app to control your robot arm.
Recorded datasets are saved in the lerobot_v2
format from LeRobot and uploaded to your HuggingFace account.
Use the Start Recording Episode and Stop Recording Episode endpoints to start and stop recording episodes.
Alternatively, you can implement your own dataset recording logic on top of the phospshobot API.
In the phosphobot dashboard, add your HuggingFace token if you haven’t already. You can find it in your HuggingFace account settings.
Connect your arm to the the computer that will be running the phosphobot server using a cable.
Connect any additional cameras to the computer. phospshobot will look for all cameras connected to the computer, including the built-in cameras such as the webcam.
Once everything is connected and powered on, run the following command to start the phosphobot server:
If you change the connected cameras or robot arm, you have to restart the server.
Set your dataset name and parameters
Go to the Admin Page of your phospshobot dashboard. In the User settings, you can set the dataset name and parameters for the next recording.
Record a dataset
Connect to the junior dev kit through WiFi in the phospho Meta Quest app.
- In the Meta Quest, open the phospho teleop application. You should see a screen displaying phosphobot along with the server ping. Click the Connect button using the
Trigger Button
Make sure you’re connected to the same WiFi as the control module. To control the robot over the internet, see the teleoperation from anywhere in the world guide.
After connecting, you should see the main camera feed if a camera is connected. Move the windows with the
Grip button
to organize your space. -
once to start teleoperation and begin moving your controller.- The robot will naturally follow the movement of your controller. Press the
Trigger button
to close the gripper. - Press
again to stop the teleoperation. The robot will stop.
- The robot will naturally follow the movement of your controller. Press the
to start recording. You can leave the default settings for your first attempt.- Press
again to stop the recording. - Press
(left controller) to discard the recording.
- Press
Continue teleoperating and stop the recording when you’re done.
The recording is automatically saved in LeRobot format and uploaded to your HuggingFace account.
Check your dataset
Datasets are saved on the computer running the phosphobot server at ~/phosphobot/recordings/DATASET_NAME
folder in the phosphobot directory.
You can check all the recordings through the phosphobot dashboard in the File Browser.
If you added your HuggingFace token in the dashboard, the recorded datasets are automatically uploaded to your HuggingFace account. Go to your HuggingFace profile to see the uploaded datasets.
Visualize your dataset
Once your dataset is uplaoded to HuggingFace, you can visualize it using the LeRobot Dataset Visualizer.
What’s next
Train an AI model
How to train an AI model from a dataset you recorded
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