WebSocket URL



This WebSocket endpoint allows real-time teleoperation of a robot arm. The connection enables high-frequency command and status updates to ensure precise control and immediate feedback.

Data Flow

Incoming Data: The client sends JSON-formatted control data for the robot’s movement.
Outgoing Data: The server sends JSON-formatted status updates, including the number of actions received and the current gripped status of the object.

Control Data

The client sends control data in JSON format, which includes the following fields:

  "x": 0.5,
  "y": 1.2,
  "z": -0.7,
  "rx": 45.0,
  "ry": 30.0,
  "rz": 90.0,
  "open": 1,
  "source": "left" // or "right"

See the Teleoperation control endpoint endpoint for more details on each field.

Status Updates

Status updates are sent back to the client every second or when there is a change in the gripped status of the object.

  "nb_actions_received": 5,
  "is_object_gripped": false,
  "is_object_gripped_source": "left"

Error Handling

If the received data cannot be decoded as JSON, an error message is sent back to the client:

  "error": "JSON decode error: <error details>"